only pay for what you need

One basic plan with add-ons for businesses of all sizes.

WebWiskee Subscription

$39.00 $29.00/mo

  • 1 User
  • Unlimited Pages
  • 3GB Storage Space
  • Call-to-Action Based Templates
  • SEO Guidance
  • Powered by WordPress™
  • Full Security Monitoring/Hosting
  • Site Back-Ups Every 12 Hours
  • BONUS! Business Builder

We believe in transparency.

Available add-ons to customize your website.

Extra Storage

1GB of extra storage Add as much storage as you need


Additional Users

1 additional user Create additional logins for team members



Integrates with multiple payment gateways Includes predesigned pages and templates


Before you cancel, we strongly recommend that you export your website content. Once your subscription expires, you will no longer have access to your website or its contents.

Copyright 2023 WebWiskee, LLC | [email protected]